Community Stories

Sharing insights from communities around Asia-Pacific


Giving Voice To Young Hearts in Thailand

Young Moves’ program manager Thaksin Bamrungthai strives to elevate youth voices across Thailand, a diverse country whose young people face different challenges in each region.

Case Study


Malaysian Filmmakers Seek To Tackle Extremism

Veteran reporting duo help counter extremism in Malaysia through compelling storytelling.

Case Study


Human “Books” Build Empathy in Bangladesh

The Human Library Bangladesh promotes intimate conversations with diverse subjects as a key to unlock empathy and counter discrimination.

Case Study


Tiger Widows of Sundarbans

Sundarbans, pride of Bangladesh, is the home of the magnificent rarely seen Royal Bengal Tiger. Now, the tigers that roam through the vast mangrove forests are coming into closer contact and conflict with humans, and attacks are on the rise.

Photo Essay

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s “New Wave” Murals

Sri Lankans, amid the rumored beginnings of a global pandemic and a highly polarized political climate, took to walls across the country to “beautify” their neighborhoods.

Photo Essay

The Philippines

Maratabat: A Double-Edged Sword

The Maranao believe that the mental construct of maratabat, or family honor, has been misunderstood.

Photo Essay

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